About Us


The company “Ad Pascucci Caffe” Sh.p.k. was established in 2008 with the main purpose, the presentation in the Albanian market one of the most popular and prestigious Italian products, Pascucci coffee.


Durrës-based company currently owns the exclusive rights to trade Pascucci products in Albania and some countries in Balkan.

AD Pascucci is an integral part of the history of the company “Caffe Pascucci Torrefazione” S.p.a. whose beginnings date back to 1883 when Antonio Pascucci, the successor of the weavers decided to engage in the trade of food products, one of which was Unripe Coffee imported from England. In 1935 Mario Pascucci dedicated himself to the continuation of the project started by his father Antonio, opening the family store in Monte Cerignone, which would later become the center of development of the magnificent Pascucci brand project. In the 50s the first equipment of the production plant is installed. In 1963 Alberto assembled the first indirect roaster, which realized a homogeneous roast suitable for espresso coffee. In 1975 Pascucci is fully and exclusively dedicated to the production of blends (micelles) for espresso machines. In 1996 was born the training center “Espresso school” dedicated to espresso and coffee recipes. In 2000, the pilot center “Caffe Pascucci Shop” was inaugurated as the only point of sale of the Pascucci brand, and the project of a new plant intended to give the best quality of coffee is developed, always based in Monte Cerignone, place of which is a guarantee for the quality of the product, as the climate establishes optimal balances for the moisture of the unripe coffee bean.

In 2006 Alberto Pascucci was honored by the Chamber of Commerce for his achievements in providing excellent quality product. In the same year, the Pascucci brand is introduced in the Albanian market.

Adrian Bardhi is fully dedicated to the project “to introduce, recognize, distribute the Pascucci brand in his country”. He returns from emigration with new ideas, inspired by the experience of working with Alberton, with the project that is already part of the Albanian reality, the presence of the Pascucci brand.


AD Pascucci Caffe starts to be distributed first in the cafes of the city of Durrës and Tirana. The expansion of the distribution network continues to extend to Kavaja, Elbasan, Lushnje and Fier. In 2008 it established its distributors in Vlora, and during 2009 it started to be distributed in Shkodra, as well as in all cities of Albania. Today AD PASCUCCI represents an advanced business standard and is one of the leading companies in the field of coffee import and distribution in Albania. AD Pascucci’s performance in Albania is so good that it is rated by Pascucci Caffe as one of the best Distributors in the Balkans. Taking into account the positive performance in the Albanian market, Pascucci decides to invest even more importantly and thus inaugurates the first PASCUCCI SHOP in Albania. In September 2010, the new AD Pascucci building is completed. Designed to better organize and work with AD DISTRIBUTOR employees, customers and associates. Pascucci is not just synonymous with coffee blends. but offers its customers a wide variety of products to enjoy at any time of the day. The pride of the Pascucci range are undoubtedly the mix. From organic. finally produced up to the other mixtures that have formed the baking history. The sensory itinerary continues with the wide range of teas, also the non-alcoholic beverage industry is in constant evolution.

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