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About The Company

About The Company

The company “AD Pascucci Caffe” Sh.p.k. was established with the main purpose, the presentation in the Albanian market of one of the most popular and prestigious Italian products, Pascucci coffee.

The company’s performance in Albania is so productive that Distributor AD Pascucci is rated by Pascucci Caffe as one of the best distributors in the Balkans.

What makes AD Pascucci Caffe so successful?

Very high quality Pascucci coffee which is obtained from a special mix of 12 different beans, combined with the correctness and quality service that the company brings to Albania.

Currently AD Pascucci owns the exclusive trading rights in the territory of Albania, regularly supplying over 1800 bars. It is a company that since its inception has only had growth and continues to expand to this day.

Employment Opportunities in Pascucci Albania
Apply by sending your CV and human resources will contact you.

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